After the broader acceptance of the 1st edition, not only the spirit to go ahead with the next edition was high, but the expectations too were enormous, which made the organizers tightrope walk in order to deliver what is expected. The show largely became synonymous with business-cum-information scaffold for the wire and cable industry by combining a parallel conference with an exhibition, and the 2nd edition only made it larger in the expanse and reach (almost 2.5 time bigger than first edition), by pulling over 300 delegates, 10,800 visitors, and 164 exhibitors, all satisfied with their performance at the conference and show, which validates the performance of the show per se. The list of countries from where visitors poured in include Angola, Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kuwait, Maldives, Mozam-bique, Nepal, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Thailand, UAE, Uganda, Vietnam, and Zambia.